TEM Coaching Resource: The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown

I listened to this audiobook in 2024 and I cannot recommend it any more highly. In fact, it took me a long time to get through for the simple reason that I kept on hitting pause every couple of minutes to take notes.

I really don’t think that I have too much trouble being vulnerable or authentic. At least not compared to others. I only say that because this book had a profound impact on me.

Two huge thumbs up!

Here is the link to purchase it via Audible as well as a 10-minute excerpt from YouTube:

The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown

Do You Have Any Bad Ideas?

Seth Godin has written a daily blog for a very long time and hasn’t missed a day in years. That’s thousands of ideas he’s come up with that are worth writing about.

As you might imagine he gets a lot of questions about how he is able to come up with so many good ideas. Whenever someone tells him they have trouble coming up with good ideas he always asks them if they have any bad ideas.

That’s because the key to having good ideas is having lots of ideas.

To put a slightly finer point on it, the key to having good ideas is also having lots of ideas that range from perfectly fine to really bad.

I have had a lot of good ideas over the years. But I have also had too many embarrassingly bad ideas to even count. And some of them even seemed like really good ideas at the time!

In the spring of 2010 I had some downtime while on tour in Brazil and decided to take my very first stab at a personal website. I knew I wanted it to primarily be a blog. I had a lot to say about teaching and performing music and that seemed like the best outlet for my thoughts.

My plan was for the URL of the website to be the name of the blog so I brainstormed some names. After a number of hours of coming up with ideas ranging from perfectly fine to not good at all I finally came up with one that I really liked: Andrew’s Hitz!

Obviously hits are a good thing to have in the music business and it was also a play on my last name which seemed good from a name recognition/branding standpoint. As soon as I came up with that idea I stopped brainstorming. I had found the name.

The only remaining question was whether the URL was available. If it was, I was in business! So I went to hover.com and before I even hit enter on the search I saw there was a problem.


andrew shitz

Yeah that wasn’t going to work!

I then told my bandmate (and future Pedal Note Media partner Lance LaDuke) about my idea and he thought it was great. I told him there was a slight problem and showed him my phone with the URL typed out and he immediately smiled and said “Yeah, that’s not going to work!”

I found the entire thing pretty hilarious but it was also disappointing. It took me a while to come up with that idea and I thought it was perfect. Rather than get frustrated I realized that having bad ideas was a part of the process. So I just came up with some more ideas before finally settling on simply using andrewhitz.com as the URL.

(It’s worth noting that this ended up being a blessing in disguise since my website has grown to much more than just that blog.)

If you get into the habit of generating lots of ideas you will eventually end up with some really good ones. 

But it is important to bring a growth mindset to generating ideas. It’s just like learning to play the piano or songwriting. You will get better at it over time.

So embrace the bad ideas! And embrace the average ones! You will have an awful lot of them on your way to having great ideas.

It’s all a part of the process.