Quartet #23: Fascinating YouTube Channel Trailers, Cultivating Calm and More!
Don't miss the short clip from Jazzie Pigott in #4. In this clip she is discussing learning a specific section of music but I feel like it really sums up the entire pursuit of music - the performing side and the business side.
At least it does for me!
And without further ado, here are this week's ideas...
Quartet of the Week
1. Nine Most Popular Types of Social Media Content in 2023 This article shows the numbers behind the most popular (and unpopular) types of social media content so far this year.
I certainly know which types I prefer but it is almost always a mistake to assume that your audience has the exact same preferences that you do.
I've just started ramping up #1 so we'll see how that goes!
2. The Science of Cultivating Calm This is quite the article! It gets into how breathing is like an operating manual for our nervous system.
I appreciate it showing exactly how our breathing affects our minds and bodies. It served as a good reminder for me to slow down and pay attention to my breathing throughout the day. 3. 5 Tips to Make a Fascinating YouTube Channel Trailer
I have really been digging into YouTube lately and trying to increase not only my audience but also my engagement there. That has lead me to learn about all sorts of things which I will share here.
This article provides some tips for making a good YouTube channel trailer.
I will be adding a YouTube channel trailer on my YouTube channel for The Brass Junkies sometime this weekend. Let me know what you think!
4. Avoidance, Then Trial and Error
It's impressive how much of the artistic journey is summed up in this sub-30-second clip.
Once we deal with avoidance we need to keep making trials and embracing the errors.
This Week in TEM
TEM290 is a reminder that people who have skills you don’t have aren’t magical - they’ve just had discipline.
My Final Thought of the Week
Here's a quote to send you on your way:
“You have to be unreasonable to see the world that doesn’t yet exist!”
—Will Guidara
I love the task of seeing a world that doesn't exist yet!
The way to monetize your efforts in the music business is to change the world.
Not the entire world! Just the world of the people who consume your art or your services.
And if you only change it in a way that others also offer, you aren't going to have much traction.
Changing people in some new way requires seeing a world that doesn't exist yet and then making that vision a reality.
And that requires being unreasonable rather than simply falling back on the old arguments of why things are the way they are (with the frequently unstated layer added of 'and why they need to stay that way.')
So here's to being unreasonable this week!
The Entrepreneurial Musician
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