TEM264: Was it a bad decision or just a bad outcome
Why we can't only look at outcomes to decide whether we made a good decision.
Read MoreWhy we can't only look at outcomes to decide whether we made a good decision.
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I am constantly searching for videos, podcast episodes, blog posts, really any content to keep me learning. I am now going to share one thing such thing each week on Mondays.
When I stop learning I get complacent. But like you, I am busy enough that it can be pretty easy for me to stop carving out the time needed to learn. That’s why I value people online who can curate things for me. When I am presented with great content, all I have to do is consume it. There’s no time tracking it down.
That’s what I’m going to attempt to do with this feature feature moving forward.
First up is former professional poker player Annie Duke. She wrote a book that comes highly recommended (I haven’t read it yet!) titled Thinking in Bets. (You can read Derek Sivers’ notes on the book here.)
One thing she says in this interview is that people frequently associate a good outcome with a good decision and she pushes back on that in a thoughtful way. Sometimes we can make a bad decision and because of luck it can turn out well.
Similarly, we can make a good decision (based on all available information at the time) and due to bad luck, the results can be bad. But that does not make it a bad decision.
She goes into detail and it really got me thinking about how I frame my decisions.
Also valuable in this video is her laying out how to ask people for advice, and specifically, how not to do so.
I found this video worth my time and hopefully you will too!
Last thing, I would love to get some suggestions for videos (can be longer YouTube clips like this or a 90-second IGTV clip from Instagram that you found especially thought-provoking. Ideally, I’d love for their to be a variety of long clips and short clips.
But if you have anything to share, please just shoot me an email to andrew@tem.fm and I might include it in a future Master Class Monday with a shout-out. Thanks!
Poker champion and author Annie Duke speaks with Prof. Adi Wyner on the "Thinking in Bets" panel at the 2019 Wharton Sports Business Summit. Learn more about...