TEM83: John Beder on self-awareness, having performance anxiety as an entrepreneur and battling his inner resistance

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TEM83: John Beder on self-awareness, having performance anxiety as an entrepreneur and battling his inner resistance

Musician turned filmmaker John Beder talks about making the the film "Composed" and all the entrepreneurial lessons he learned along the way that can also apply to any musician.

Topics Covered:

  • 7:13 - John's background in music and the self-aware moment that led to him transitioning to becoming a filmmaker

  • 12:00 - The six-year period where he didn't pursue either music or filmmaking and entered the corporate world including working for Apple in multiple countries (and the lessons he learned)

  • 16:52 - John gives some details into his film, Composed, which is about the how and the why of performance anxiety in music

  • 18:30 - Which lessons about performance anxiety he learned from the movie that can be applied to the entrepreneurial side of being an artist

  • 25:37 - How he used deadlines throughout the filmmaking process (and if they moved or were firm)

  • 31:53 - What lessons he learned about himself through the process of making the film and the importance of battling "the resistance"

  • 38:15 - How he took a great idea (which we all have!) and actually turned it into a film that was shared with the world

  • 44:28 - Did he ever want to quit?

  • 53:22 - How he raised money to fund such a big project

  • 1:02:03 - Why he couldn't have made this film without being a musician first


"Composed" Documentary
Parker Mouthpieces
Ranaan Meyer: Episode 1
Jeff Nelsen: Episode 5
Linchpin by Seth Godin
(le) poisson rouge
Casey Neistat YouTube Channel

Favorite Quotes:

"There would be times when the camera would be shut off and I'd be putting away all of my stuff and I would have these mini-conversations with people and tell them 'Just so you know, you are helping me to create this film. You're giving me advice on how to create a piece of art and present it to the world and how to prepare for that.'"

"This will be a representation of me as a filmmaker on October 1, 2016. If I make another film, the first one doesn't have any bearing on that, for me personally at least. It will be better and I'll be a better film maker."

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Produced by Joey Santillo