TEM95: Tim Topham on building a community of true fans in an already crowded space, launching a successful membership site and minimum viable products

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TEM95: Tim Topham on building a community of true fans in an already crowded space, launching a successful membership site and minimum viable products

Australian piano teacher and performer Tim Topham shares how, through the use of a membership site, newsletter, podcast, blog and webinars, he was able to build a wildly successful piano teaching community in an already crowded space.

Topics Covered:

  • 7:14 - How Tim ended up getting burned out after college, leaving music altogether for 10 years and how his first piano teacher inspired him upon coming back to music

  • 12:20 - The depressing statistics of how many musicians today make a full-time living performing and why it's important to look at a career in music diversely

  • 14:42 - How he found a niche for himself within the piano teaching world which tends to be very traditional

  • 17:56 - How he organizes his content by theme on a monthly basis based on things teachers are asking him to cover

  • 20:08 - Details about The Inner Circle, the online community of piano teachers he has created on his website, and how it was a concerted effort to scale what he was already regularly doing on a one-on-one basis

  • 25:09 - When he initially launched, how he got his first members to join a paid membership site before there was any kind of community already there

  • 28:34 - The number of hours a week he spends per week on his website and all of his digital services

  • 32:09 - The aspects of his business that he outsources since they aren't his strengths

  • 35:33 - How he went about starting to build his website without a huge amount of technical knowledge

  • 37:59 - The importance of shipping a Minimum Viable Product

  • 40:32 - The "crippling perfection" that classical musicians in particular are used to and how it doesn't help anyone be a successful entrepreneur

  • 44:21 - How he has built a team around him to help with various tasks for his business

  • 49:04 - The advice he has for any musical entrepreneur who is trying to get started (or reach the next level) in the business

  • 57:54 - Resources he recommends to musical entrepreneurs


Favorite Quotes:

"I've got to stop doing things that one, I'm not good at, and two, isn't bringing value to my members."

"It doesn't really matter where you start. Just start something."

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Produced by Joey Santillo

TEM91: Cursing gravity

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TEM91: Cursing gravity

History is riddled with examples, both inside and outside of the music business, of people fighting reality and it not ending very well.

Topics Covered:

0:20 - The best blog in the world for entrepreneurs
4:54 - Cursing Gravity
5:40 - Some examples from the music business of us collectively "cursing gravity" and why fighting reality never works out


Seth Godin's Blog
TEM Blog

There are two ways you can support TEM!

You can help me reach two specific goals I've set for TEM:

1. Help me get to $50 per episode on Patreon by pledging as little as $1 per episode to support the show:  https://www.patreon.com/tempodcast

2. Help me get to my goal of 50 ratings at iTunes by leaving a rating and review.

And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Joey Santillo