TEM212: The challenge of standing out online and the importance of community building: A conversation with Lance LaDuke


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TEM212: The challenge of standing out online and the importance of community building: A conversation with Lance LaDuke

Lance LaDuke, my partner at Pedal Note Media, joined me as a guest speaker for one of the music business classes I used to teach at Shenandoah Conservatory.

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • How the world and music business might be different on the other side of this pandemic

  • Now that Acapella App-style videos are ubiquitous, how do you stand out with recording yourself?

  • The old performance models will come back in some form but in the meantime new models are slowly emerging

  • While there's no rubric for you to be remarkable online it's important to remember that there's no rubric for anyone - no one knows what to do right now which is an opportunity for everyone

  • People like us do things like this

  • The value of building a community

  • How to build a community while we are all apart

  • Phish growing a community through their Dinner and a Movie events on Tuesdays during this pandemic

  • The two things you need to get traction in the world today: excellence and authenticity

  • Why anyone can offer a peak behind the creative curtain and monetize it if it's done right


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And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Andrew Hitz

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:
