TEM234: Convince the converted


Apple Podcasts


TEM234: Convince the converted

Why you should always focus on convincing the converted that you are the best option rather than working to change the world view of the unconverted.

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • Why focusing on potential customers who already see the value in what you do is the best strategy

  • Why falling for the trap of trying to convince people that what you offer is valuable will actually hurt your chances with the people who are already on board

  • The specific kind of person I try to attract to TEM Coaching (and the kind I don’t!)

  • A passage from my upcoming book on “Avoiding the Sunk Cost Fallacy”

  • This week’s quote: “My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life.” —Miles Davis


Want help figuring out what your next move should be as we slowly emerge from the pandemic? Let TEM Coaching help. See if we're a good fit today!


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And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Andrew Hitz

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:
