TEM76: Business Model Canvas with Lance LaDuke

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TEM76: Business Model Canvas with Lance LaDuke

The Business Model Canvas is a tool that every single person listening to this podcast should use and this talk with Lance LaDuke is a great place to start!

Lance regularly teaches the Business Model Canvas to his Business of Music class at Carnegie Mellon University and does a great job of explaining why it is such a powerful tool. The Business Model Canvas will help get ideas out of your head and organized in an way that makes clear what your next steps need to be. I can't recommend the process any more highly for anyone.


Business Model Generation
Business Model You*

*FWIW I am a huge fan of ebooks and audio books but would highly recommend the hard copy of each of these books. They are quite visual.

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including links to all books and websites referenced in this episode can be found at:


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Produced by Joey Santillo