TEM114: Yuri Cataldo Quotes (TEM Short)

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TEM114: Yuri Cataldo Quotes (TEM Short)

This TEM Short features thoughts on my favorite quotes from Yuri Cataldo in TEM113.

Yuri Cataldo, who has had success in many different fields, is the host of the Advance Your Art Podcast.


  • "I was surrounded by gobs of actors, and no one wanted to be a designer, so I had access to all the professors all the time because I was the only person who was excited about it."

  • "So, I actually had the idea for the Bottled Water Company on that very depressing drive back from New Jersey to Indiana. And so it took me about two years to go from that idea to actually launching the company…. In between that time, I was a waiter. I was an adjunct professor in costume design at Indiana University, also in South Bend. I worked for a TV station selling advertisements. I was a sign holder at Verizon Wireless. I did a lot of small, crappy jobs trying to pay the bills and figure out what to do next.”

  • "And it was actually at my job as a TV sales rep where I learned a lot about cold calling sales, what people actually look for, what's interesting, because I spent all my time with small business owners.”

  • "You need to have a reason why reporters will write about you. You could be doing cool shit in your life, but you need a reason at that moment for them to write about it, or nobody cares."

  • "I don't know if I would personally want to do another Kickstarter campaign because it's 30 days of exhaustion. You have to be on it all the time, reaching out to your customers, reaching out to press. Constantly. We redid the SEO for the page all the time, and retested things, but as long as you approach it as, like, 'I'm going to test this out, see how this goes for 24 hours,' and then do it again, and then again, and then again. It's constantly tweaking.”

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:


1. Help me get to my goal of $50 per episode on Patreon by pledging as little as $1 per episode to support the show: https://www.patreon.com/tempodcast.

2. Thanks to everyone who helped me get to my goal of 50 ratings on iTunes! I appreciate it very much!

And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Andrew Hitz

TEM113: Yuri Cataldo of the Advance Your Art Podcast on how to market with no budget, moving on quickly from a big setback and how he got a product into the gift bag at the Oscars

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TEM113: Yuri Cataldo of the Advance Your Art Podcast on how to market with no budget, moving on quickly from a big setback and how he got a product into the gift bag at the Oscars

Yuri Cataldo, host of the Advance Your Art Podcast, shares the story of his wild career path including stops on Broadway, a tech startup and academia.

What You'll Learn:

  • Why the piano, which he no longer plays that much, is the first thing he heads for when creatively stuck

  • How Yuri’s early path included mechanical engineering, journalism and theater and how he kept having the courage to change directions until he found something that worked for him

  • How he was working as a designer on four Broadway shows plus an opera in Los Angeles at the same time when both the 2008 recession and divorce struck at the same time

  • How he came up with his next big idea literally on the drive back home to move back in with his parents which was immediately on the heels of his life turning upside down

  • How it took him two years from between coming up with his big idea and launching it and how he had many crappy jobs in the meantime to pay the bills, all the while working on his idea

  • How one of those crapy jobs led him to learn a lot about sales, which has helped him in every endeavor since then (and how he talked his way into that job with absolutely no experience at all)

  • Why he started selling bottled water that didn’t even exist yet (and why that is common for entrepreneurs and how we can all learn from it)

  • How learning to get press and marketing with no money was born out of necessity

  • Why reporters don’t care about you or your product but really care about the story behind it (and how to use that in your pitch to get coverage)

  • How he raised 2x his goal during an Indiegogo campaign and the important benchmarks to shoot for

  • The origins of Yuri's Advance Your Art podcast and why it has turned into a passion project


Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:


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1. Help me get to my goal of $50 per episode on Patreon by pledging as little as $1 per episode to support the show: https://www.patreon.com/tempodcast.

2. Help me get to my goal of 75 ratings at iTunes by leaving a rating and review.

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And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Andrew Hitz for Pedal Note Media