TEM69: Seth Hanes, author Of "Break Into the Scene", on the value of being willing to learn anything, the best time to take risks in your career and turning your skills into leveragable assets

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TEM69: Seth Hanes, author Of "Break Into the Scene", on the value of being willing to learn anything, the best time to take risks in your career and turning your skills into leveragable assets

Seth Hanes is a musician, author and digital marketing consultant.

Topics Covered:

  • Seth's humble beginnings in music and how he came to become a professional musician

  • The day he realized the "traditional" path in the music business didn't align with his desires

  • How the tumultuous environment for professional orchestras in 2010 and 2011 sparked a curiosity in him which led to him learning a lot about why many orchestras were having financial troubles

  • How Seth leveraged his job at a parking garage to gain access to an influential person in the music business who eventually became his boss

  • The value of knowing that even if you lack a specific skill that you can always learn it

  • His battle of knowing he needed to move on from a job that was no longer a good fit yet being afraid of quitting

  • The great advice he received that led to him going all in on working for himself rather than just seeking a better job than his last one

  • My opinion on Pat's vs. Gino's

  • Why the best time to take risks in your career is when you are young

  • The importance of turning the skills you have into assets you can leverage

  • The difference between a freelancer and an entrepreneur

  • The myths of freelancing

  • Why success in the music business is about a lot more than just being really good at your instrument

  • Why meeting even one person a month you wouldn't otherwise meet could eventually lead to tens of thousands of dollars

  • The importance of pitching people the right way (where they are getting at least 51% of the value of the exchange)

  • Why you have to believe what you're doing is going to make the world a better place

  • The bonus materials available for free at breakintothescene.com (you don't even have to buy the book!)

  • Why you should look for how you can be valuable to other people

  • Examples of non-musical things you can do for someone else to connect with them in an authentic way


Favorite Quotes:

"Even if I don't know how to do it, I know I can figure it out. That's always my perspective on everything. And to this day I still take on projects like client work and things that I don't necessarily know all the answers to but I know I can figure it out."

"Action expresses priorities."

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Produced by Joey Santillo